Saturday, April 3, 2010

Some of the results are in...

Well, as planned I launched my web site on April 1st with the idea "Cancer is no joke!". April being cancer month and all I thought it was good thing to try. So, I sent a personal email to everyone I could think of that morning. I may have even sent one to you. If I didn't shame on me.

The idea is to get $20 donations but what I really hope is that the receiver will forward the email to 7 (and only 7) people they trust would seriously consider donating also. All donors concede its an awesome cause but just imagine if the emails caught on...

Emails are easy though and I realize I going to have to put in hard work over the next 5 months to reach my goal. Receiving donations from only family and friends won't cut it. If anyone has any ideas, I'm all ears. Fire ME off and email and I'll be sure to listen - promise!!!

Kudos to the latest donors. Paul, Wendy, Luke, Chris, Mitch*Trisport, Mike, Jane, Hans Luigi & Team Turek!!! Hoping you guys will also pass along to others. :D